
a cockpit designed for the driver

Driver-oriented cockpit, practical storage and mobile office. Working comfort that optimises your productivity.

mobile office

bureau mobile - Renault Master
practical, enjoyable, effective
Get a mobile office focusing on your needs. The fold-down backrest of the central seat transforms into a tray table: a laptop support with areas for your pens and smartphone, as well as a double cup holder. A closable compartment for securing your equipment while you travel.

centre console

centre console - Renault Master
controls within reach
The driver-oriented design adds to the driving experience with the new S-shaped dashboard making it easier to access the controls.

ergonomic seats

ergonomic seats - Renault Master
comfort and durability
Renault Master’s seats adapt to any type of use: 6-position adjustable driver’s seat, more contoured shape for optimum support. As for the upholstery coverings, they are reinforced in high-use areas for extended life.

135 L of storage

With its nine storage areas totalling 135 L, Renault Master takes its place among the leaders. Closed compartments on the dashboard, cubbies, glove box, container under the passenger seat.